A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This website contains the narratives of mothers who have lost a child to suicide along with reflections of my personal experiences as a member of this group. These stories provide an opportunity to peer into the world of someone who has lost a part of themselves and yet somehow continues to function. The children who we discuss are no longer physically near us, but they are now closer to us than before the loss. Ever-present in our thoughts, we continue to mother them in new ways.
The lack of educational opportunities for those bereaved by suicide results in survivors struggling to keep afloat while attempting to navigate uncharted murky waters. The narratives presented of these mothers demonstrate the varying types of navigational devices and life preservers they used to keep from drowning and make it to the shore. The Franklin D. Roosevelt quote above represents the learning that takes place when you find yourself in situations like these surviving mothers. While we all would have preferred to live on the calm waters of our previous lives, we have tapped sources of internal strength we did not even believe existed and gained wisdom from unlikely sources.
I have had a personal connection to each of these mothers since losing my son, and they each provided me with much-needed support during the worst time of my existence. Each woman possesses a type of wisdom that is only doled out to individuals who have gone through extraordinary trials and tribulations. They have imparted their wisdom on me through their words, actions, and how they conduct themselves in the face of tragedy. I consider them my “professors” from the University of Life: Deb, Betsy, Samantha, and Gail. Their wisdom and support helped me make sense of this strange world and showed me that new life can flourish even in the rubble of destruction.
I must also recognize four other amazing human beings: Josh, Collin, Kyle K., and Kyle S. I am honored to have met you through your mothers’ stories. They were fortunate women to have you as their sons. You are four beautiful souls who left this world before your mothers were ready to say goodbye. You are truly loved and missed.